Owner Advisory Services
Rock specializes in owner advisory services, advising our clients on their capital program, project, and construction matters. We offer standards of best practices, procedures, and contracting methods, in the best interest of our clients, as if we are them. We have become a trusted partner with our clients and advocate on their behalf. Our senior-level staff advise on alternative contracting methods for specific projects, and bring a wealth of experience on assessing and recommending best contracting methods for design and construction of all project types, sizes, and complexities. Rock’s team has been hired by our clients to assess their capital program’s staffing, organizational structure, training programs, and management tools, and to make recommendations for implementing changes to improve. Our services as Owner Advisor include:
Assessing and recommending alternative contracting methods
Seeking approval and managing alternative contracting processes
Assessing and recommending capital program processes, staffing, and organizational structure
Developing front-end specifications and contracting documents
Training of client’s in-house project staff
Conducting risk assessments
Conducting comprehensive constructability reviews
Providing claims resolution assistance
Recommending and leading dispute resolution processes